Thursday, July 5, 2012


I must have a guardian angle because it’s like someone’s been looking over me.

I’m not religious at all nor am I particularly superstitious however I’m starting to wonder whether there really is a higher source out there somewhere!? Over the last couple of weeks its like a switch has been flicked and all the stars have aligned in my life. Not only has my health improved but I have also been given some life changing opportunities in my career as a photographer.

To say the least I feel absolutely AMAZING! A M A Z I N G! It’s almost been a month now since I started Kalydeco and the changes in my health have been absolutely astounding!  I’m like a ball of energy. I feel electric. I feel like someone new! I wake up in the morning and I spring out of bed, I’m well rested and I have been sleeping laying down almost EVERY night. Occasionally I’ll have a bad night and need to sit up to go to sleep due to coughing but it is becoming less and less frequent. When I sit and reflect on how I actually felt prior to Kalydeco it actually scares me to think how sick I felt before! I guess my health had been gradually declining ever so slowly and it just became the norm without realizing the extent that it had on how I felt everyday. During the last 18 months I did find myself constantly struggling to get through the days without having enormous coughing fits, becoming out of breath just to get from one place to another, having sleeps during the day for hours and generally feeling nauseous and lousy all the time.

My life has completely changed!!! I feel like I can finally focus on the future without worrying that my health is going to hold me back. I’ve always been one to worry about dying. I’ve always worried that I’ll die before I get to do all the things I want to do. Whilst this all definitely makes me sound like a drama queen I think it gives me great awareness and appreciation for life. I think this way of thinking will continue to follow me throughout the rest of my life but I feel like I finally have a newfound optimism about my future! My life was on a downward spiral before Kalydeco and now its like someone’s pushing me back up the stairs. Towards the middle of last year I actually found myself quite depressed. I often couldn’t go out with my friends because I was in hospital, and I also lost friends and people in my life that simply couldn’t deal with my declining health. My business suffered because I simply couldn’t invest enough time towards it and I simply felt sick all the time. 

It blows my mind to think that 2 blue pills a day can change my life so significantly. Sometimes I look at the tablets and wonder what on earth is inside them, I wonder about all the money that has been invested into researching the formula, I wonder what kind of people did the research and I wonder if they know how much this drug can change a person’s life? I feel guilty sometimes that I have the drug and others don’t.  I feel guilty that other people are suffering more than me and probably need it more than I do. I feel guilty that my family is spending so much money on me. I worry that the drug wont get approved and I’ll have to go back to the way i was before… I don’t know if I could handle going back to that.  

Sorry that its been so long since my last post I’ve literally been running around like a crazy lady ( and I secretly LOVE it!!) I will continue to blog my progress a bit more frequently… STAY TUNED :-D


  1. What a fantastic and inspiring blog. Thank you so much for the update, you are certainly giving hope to a lot of people - that is not something to feel guilty about. Hope everything continues to go amazingly well! xx

  2. Ditto it's got me all excited I cannot wait to feel all things you are feeling, Although I haven't started yet I already feel guilty like you do that I'm getting it and others aren't and just hope to god that the drug will be available for everyone who needs it around the world very very soon! Keep blogging love to hear everything and congrats on your photography career! Xx

  3. Cool blog! I've been ,looking around the internet for another Kalydeco blog to follow and yours is one of the best. My son is 5 months into Kalydeco and he has a video blog on YouTube at djbowler3333. He is 12 and doing great on the drug gaining almost 30 pounds and FEV1 going from 69% to 87%. Good luck!
